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About Thomas Mathias

Meet Thomas, an international yoga teacher and spiritual guide. Since 2019, he has been sharing his work globally with renowned organizations and platforms, offering yoga and meditation courses, co-living experiences, silent retreats, and private mentorships. Known for his grounding presence and insightful talks, Thomas draws from a variety of ancient traditions to inspire deep spiritual practice and total transformation that is accessible to all.


Personal words


My journey began with a difficult childhood. Losing my mother at an early age, being bullied, and leaving my parental home at 15 to live with a friend’s family left me traumatized, confused, and searching for a way out of my suffering—though I looked in all the wrong places at first.


At age 12, I started smoking weed, and by 18, I entered my wildest years, discovering the techno rave scene in Amsterdam. I used substances to escape my struggles at weekend-long techno parties and festivals or during endless nights of drinking in the hospitality/nightlife industry which I worked in.


Eventually, I realized my problems were only getting worse. I got more anxious, more depressed, and had constant suicidal thoughts. I felt with my back against the wall, and didn't know where to look.


In some way, my spiritual journey began with MDMA and XTC, which opened doors in my heart that I before didn't experience so open. I showed me how much love I could feel.


But the true turning point came in 2015 when I stumbled upon a YouTube video on Buddhism and meditation by Koi Fresco (now Vishudda Das).


The Youtube thumbnail showed not an old monk in robes, but a trendy, tattooed young man from L.A. talking about meditation, which is how it sparked my curiosity.


As I started watching the video and he spoke about Buddhist monks using techniques to go inside their minds to resolve suffering, something clicked. I felt like I had found the answer I had been searching for.


A few months later, I booked a one-way flight to Bangkok and found myself meditating in a traditional Thai monastery under the guidance of a local monk and the strict schedule and discipline of monastic Buddhist life.


The first four days, nothing happened, and I struggled to sit for so many hours. When I was close to giving up and dropped my expectations, on day four, something happened. Sitting in front of the big Buddha in the meditation hall, I suddenly heard the jungle sounds, felt my body relax, and started to feel at peace for no reason. It was a perfectly mundane moment and, at the same time, the most powerful experience of my life. The peace stayed with me but faded after some weeks.


I had a temporary relapse into my old life in Amsterdam afterwards, after which I left again with a one-way flight, this time, with no plan to return.


Ever since, I have traveled and lived around the world, seeking a deepening of what I had tasted. This led me to spend time and study with countless teachers, monks, monasteries, and schools from various traditions: Yoga, Neo Tantra, Classical Tantra, Neo Advaita, Classical Advaita Vedanta, Tibetan Buddhism and Dzogchen, mystery schools, coaching modalities, Jungian psychology, men's work, shamanism, sacred sexuality, qigong, Ayurveda, plant medicine, pranayama/breathwork, energy work, reiki, satsangs, and coaches—I've tried everything I could find.


Out of all these modalities, these years have for a large part been oriented towards meditation, yoga, silent retreats, personal practice, renunciation, and withdrawal from the world. Some of these years were in India, Australia, and since 2020, Portugal. I underwent deep purging and cleansing on all levels of my being and experienced an intense energetic realignment, that by some would be known as a Kundalini process, which is an ever on-going alignment.


Over time, because people told me to do so, and out of a sense of calling, I've started to explore my own abilities in transmitting spiritual work through social media, coaching, meditation, yoga, retreats, and bodywork. As I witnessed the transformation and feedback of those I worked with, I proceeded. Since 2021, this has been my full-time path.




My most important teachers all lead back to the unofficial lineage of Ramana Maharshi, a teacher who isn't alive anymore. His picture stands on my altar.


Some other of my most important inspirations and teachers who have taught me and transformed my journey and work include:


Adyashanti, from who I learned true meditation and who-although I never met him-has felt like a close mentor to me through his courses and talks.


Swami Atmananda Udasin from Ajatananda Ashram in Rishikesh, where I experienced Advaita beyond words in the powerful energy of the ashram and where I return yearly if I can.


Michaël Bijker, from who I learned pranayama breathwork and qigong and who became a good friend that I know work with on projects on his platform yogalap.


Surinder Singh, from who I learned Hatha Yoga, and who was a profound example of how to embody love and kindness as a Yoga teacher.


Chris Bale, who has had a deep influence on my path and understanding of energy.


Lama Lena, from who I learned Tibetan Buddhist teachings on Dzogchen Practice.


Ganga Mira, who made me palpably feel Ramana Maharshi's energy in her satsang and community in Portugal..


Ty Landrum, who I study Ashtanga-Vinyasa Yoga with since 2021.


I have also spend a lot of my time with the Vipassana school of S.N. Goenka, which trained me in intense Vipassana meditation, which was a powerful journey but a phase that clearly ended for me in 2022.


As well as, Awaken as Love, the mystery school that introduced me to the vibrant world of tantra festivals and multiple of it's Stage 1 trainings, where I am part of the faculty now.


And Mooji, who was the first one to help me realize Ramana Maharshi's teachings through his online transmission.


And mother India and her teachings, and deities. A place I deeply love, with traditions I deeply love, which has been a significant part of my growth and to which I return yearly if possible.




These days, I am half-based in Portugal and half-nomadic, sharing silent retreats, 1:1 mentorships, weekly Sunday live meditations, energy and bodywork sessions. You can often find me teaching at tantra festivals, month-long community experiences with Innate, or silent retreats in the Algarve.


Thank you for being here.

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