I do not wish anyone healing.
Because to wish so would imply that someone is currently broken.
I wish people to become more and more able to discern what is real from what is not.
So that they do not create more consequences from a conditioned and unconscious mind.
So that they do not have to live from an ‘I’ that isn’t real.
So that they discover that their true nature is actually already at peace.
I do not wish anyone healing.
I wish people to realize why to forgive. Themselves and all beings.
By questioning all assumptions and thoughts that imply that there is right or wrong, or that anyone could have done better.
I do not wish anyone healing
I wish people to know the source of all consciousness, and on the other side of that, all unconsciousness.
So that they can become absolutely convinced about their true I.
And know deep compassion for all the trapped demons in all minds.
I do not wish anyone healing.
I only wish people to see reality.
Because in reality, everyone is absolutely whole and complete.
Because only as reality, all that is ‘broken’ naturally ‘heals’.
Because only from reality, can we truly do good from others.
I only wish people to see reality.
As reality is pure love.
And all else
Is nothing but a dream.
लोक समस्ता सुखिनो भवन्तु
Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu
May all beings be happy and free