Our dreams are, because unstable by nature, commonly assumed to be unreal;
Empty of solidity, projected by the mind, and depending upon the mind for their existence.
On the contrary, our world in the waking state appears to be mostly stable, and therefore it is commonly assumed to be real;
Solid, not projected by the mind, and not depending upon the mind for their existence.
But is this really how things are?
Take the experience you have after a dream at night, of the way in which it seems obvious that all experiences in it were mere imaginations. Even experiences you had of a body and of physical sensations within the dream, obviously had their reality completely depending upon on your dream, and have no existence of their own.
Now let's look at some common assumptions we have of the waking state, that are different from our beliefs about our dream-state.
1. Our consciousness is dependent for its existence on the body, and not vice versa - our body is not imagined by our consciousness
2. The awareness of hearing, thinking, and seeing is located somewhere inside our brain
3. Our body is a separate object in a three-dimensional world full of separate objects.
Now when looking at these three statements, and feeling into them, and how true they seem for you in this stage,
Why would the same recognition about our dreams at night not also apply to ‘reality’ in waking state?
What if…
...Our body, the 'external' world, and our brain, come into existence out of consciousness and not vice versa?
...We see that it is impossible to prove a world independent of consciousness?
...That everything is made out of perceptive awareness - sensory perception, thoughts, feelings, and the notion of an external world - and that this perceptive awareness, including the world, exists without location or distance?
What if this reality is one big co-created dream in which consciousness is looking inside itself from different vantage points?
Without an experiencer, without anything that is experienced, with what appears as two, being inseparably one?
What if the empty void took on infinite form so that it could love, dance, and know itself?