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There is No Such Thing as a Private Thought

In deeper states of meditation, we begin to realize that there is no such thing as a truly private thought.

That we are interconnected and inseparable from everything ‘outside of us.’

In fact, we begin to experience that there is no real distinction between inside and outside.

And therefore realize that it would be foolish to think we can hide anything from life.


On a superficial level, we might deceive others, but on a deeper level, karma does not work that way.

And so, as we gain insight, the desire to pretend or hide gradually fades.

Instead, we seek to become as transparent as possible—like a mirror.


Which doesn’t mean oversharing everything with everyone and losing all privacy.

We will seek to be transparent in the first place with ourselves.

Yet, without oversharing, we will avoid as much as possible putting up any false facades.


In this transparency with ourselves, we begin to develop a profound trust in life that is unshakable.

We realize that as long as we are totally willing to face our darkness, and our mindful enough to prevent it from spilling out onto others, we are protected in a very deep way.

Constant mindfulness, and embodying truth and love in thought, speech, and even the most subtlest of actions, is what creates the state of Yoga.


Just as by a lack of transparency, all is lost, similarly, if mindfulness is lost, all is lost.

Mindfulness is the basis for transparency, right action, and the process of inner illumination.

A wise person will therefore remove themselves as quickly as possible from situations that disturb their mindfulness too much to be able to self-control, only re-entering when it is restored.


In this way, one can engage in enlightened action early in their journey, even before the mind is completely pure.

This, works in both directions, and will help the mind quickly and powerfully to burn through its impurities.

If we truly understand this, it should be a very exciting thought.

Because it means that the exalted states are much more in reach, than we might have ever dared dream them to be.

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